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Couture, M. & St-Martin, K. (26 oct. 2024). Promising strategies to manage mistreatment in the context of caregiving: What does the scientific literature have to say [communication orale]. Dans K. St-Martin & A. Andrianova (resp.), Advancing caregiving in Quebec: A Showcase of Empirical Insights and Innovation [Symposium]. 53e Réunion scientifique et éducative de l’Association Canadienne de Gérontologie (ACG), Edmonton, Alberta.

Couture, M. & St-Martin, K. (26 oct. 2024). Promising strategies to manage mistreatment in the context of caregiving: What does the scientific literature have to say [communication orale]. Dans St-Martin & A. Andrianova (resp.), Advancing caregiving in Quebec: A Showcase of Empirical Insights and Innovation [Symposium]. 53e Réunion scientifique et éducative de l’Association Canadienne de Gérontologie (ACG), Edmonton, Alberta.