
22 results
Themes: Awareness and tool
The University Institute of Front Line in Health and Social Services(free translation of Institut universitaire de première ligne en santé et services sociaux )(IUPLSSS), in collaboration with Marie Beaulieu and the Government agency that helps increase the social participation of people with disabilities in Québec (free translation of Office des Personnes Handicapées du Québec) (OPHQ), initiated the creation of a podcast summarizing the highlights of the research on psychological and material and financial mistreatment towards older adults with disabilities directed by Marie Beaulieu and Hélène Carbonneau of the UQTR.
Themes: Awareness
One of the objectives of the project entitled La maltraitance envers les aînés proches aidants et les proches aidants d’aînés : Reconnaître, sensibiliser et prévenir (Mistreatment of Older Adults as Caregivers and Caregivers of Older Adults: Recognise, raise awareness and prevent) led by Sophie Éthier (ULaval), with Marie Beaulieu as co-researcher, is to develop a poster and activities guide addressed to caregivers that can be used in interventions.
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