Couture, M., Gauthier-Mongeon, J., Simamonika, P., Bernard, R., St-Martin, K., Lacasse, R. & Israel, S. (2024). Practices Used in Health and Social Services for the Management of Mistreatment Situations towards Adults in a Context of Gender and Sexual Diversity : A Scoping Review. OBM Geriatrics, 8(3): 282; doi:10.21926/obm.geriatr.2403282.
Themes: Revised and published scientific articles and written productions
Éthier S, Myrand A, Andrianova A, Smele, S., Gagnon, É., Couture, M., & Aubry, F. (2024). L’impossible quête des préposées aux bénéficiaires pour actualiser la bientraitance visée dans les politiques publiques du Québec.The impossible quest of health care aides to actualize the good treatment targeted in Quebec’s public policies. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. Published online 2024:1-8. doi:10.1017/S0714980824000023
Themes: Revised and published scientific articles and written productions
Couture, M., St-Martin, K., & Israel, S. (2023). Reconnaître la maltraitance et comprendre les rôles des psychologues dans l’accompagnement et la protection des personnes aînées. Cahier du savoir, 4, p.55.
Bétrisey, C., Carrier, A., Cardinal, J.-F., Lagacé, M., Cohen, A. A., Beaulieu, M., Baillargeon, D., & Levasseur, M. (2023). Which interventions with youths counter ageism toward older adults? Results from a realist review. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02701960.2023.2210521
Gagnon-Roy, M., Bier, N., Giroux, S., Couture, M., Pigot, H., Le Dorze, G., Gosselin, N., Zarshenas, S., Hendryckx, C., & Bottari, C. (2023). COOK technology to support meal preparation following a severe traumatic brain injury: a usability mixed-methods single-case study in a real-world environment. Disability and rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. https://doi-org.ezproxy.usherbrooke.ca/10.1080/17483107.2023.2264326
Themes: Essays, Master's theses and Theses and written productions
Beaulieu, M., & St-Martin. (2023). Maltraitance envers les personnes aînées : Définition stratégique fédérale – document explicatif. Préparé à l’intention d’emploi et développement social Canada. Gouvernement du Canada. 24p.
Themes: Research reports or reports produced for the government
Beaulieu, M., & St-Martin. (2023). Mistreatment of older persons: Federal policy definition – Explanatory document. Prepared for Employment and Social Development Canada. Gouvernment of Canada. 22p
Themes: Research reports or reports produced for the government