There is mistreatment when

a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older adult, whether the person deliberately wants to cause harm or not. (Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults et al., 2023).

To consult the terminology click here.

Recruitment for the ARMCAR research project has been prolonged.

The ARMCAR (Acknowledging and Responding to Mistreatment in CARegiving) research project aims to develop and evaluate the efficiency of a multicomponent educational program to help further improve knowledge about mistreatment toward persons aged 50 years and older within a caregiving context, promote help seeking of informal caregivers, facilitate the identification and reporting of mistreatment situations, as well as improving the social support for informal caregivers and their health.

To consult the project’s page

To consult the recruitment poster


Our Expertise


This section presents the major research projects led by the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults, as well as recently developed knowledge. It includes an overview of the evolution of our work, the context in which it was realized, and a summary presentation of each project.

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Wellness Care

This section includes the key projects undertaken by the Chair concerning wellness care for older adults and recently developed knowledge of this subject. It consists of an overview of the evolution of our work, the context in which it was realized, and a summary presentation of each project.

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In Situation of Emergency

If you witness or are victim of a mistreatment situation and wish to obtain information or help, please contact the Mistreatment HelpLine (for Quebec residents).

Open 24/7 from 8:00 to 20:00 Confidential, bilingual, free and professional service

+ 1 888 489-ABUS (2287)


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