Veille d’articles scientifiques et fiches résumées

Cette section propose une sélection de publications internationales dans le champ de la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées parues depuis 2007. Une recension de la littérature scientifique est réalisée environ aux six mois afin de bonifier régulièrement cette liste de références.

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Pillemer, K., Burnes, D., Hancock, D., Eckenrode, J., Rosen, T., MacNeil, A., & Lachs, M. S. (2022). Lack of Association of Elder Mistreatment With Mortality. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 77(8), 1699–1705.
Pillemer, K., Silver, S., Ramirez, M., Kong, J., Eimicke, J. P., Boratgis, G. D., Meador, R., Schultz, L., Lachs, M. S., Nolte, J., Chen, E. K., & Teresi, J. A. (2022). Factors associated with resident-to-resident elder mistreatment in nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 70(4), 1208–1217.
Fingerman, K. L., & Pillemer, K. (2021). Continuity and Changes in Attitudes, Health Care, and Caregiving for Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journals of Gerontology: Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 76(4), e187–e189.
Thématique : Âgisme, covid-19 et proches aidants
Lachs, M., Mosqueda, L., Rosen, T., & Pillemer, K. (2021). Bringing Advances in Elder Abuse Research Methodology and Theory to Evaluation of Interventions. Journal of Applied Gerontology : The Official Journal of the Southern Gerontological Society, 733464821992182.
Burnes, D., Lachs, M. S., Burnette, D., & Pillemer, K. (2019). Varying Appraisals of Elder Mistreatment Among Victims: Findings from a Population-Based Study. The Journals Of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences And Social Sciences, 74(5), 881–890.
Burnes, D., Breckman, R., Henderson, C. R., Lachs, M. S., & Pillemer, K. (2019). Utilization of Formal Support Services for Elder Abuse: Do Informal Supporters Make a Difference? Gerontologist, 59(4), 619–624.
Thématique : Intervention
Rosen, T., Bloemen, E. M., LoFaso, V. M., Clark, S., Flomenbaum, N. E., Breckman, R., … Pillemer, K. (2019). Acute Precipitants of Physical Elder Abuse: Qualitative Analysis of Legal Records From Highly Adjudicated Cases. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34(12), 2599–2623.
Burnes, D., Lachs, M. S. & Pillemer, K. (2018). Addressing the measurment challenge in elder abuse interventions: need for a severity framework . Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 30(5), 402-407.
Thématique : Intervention et mesure
Teresi, J. A., Ramírez, M., Fulmer, T., Ellis, J., Silver, S., Jian Kong, … Pillemer, K. (2018). Resident-to-Resident Mistreatment: Evaluation of a Staff Training Program in the Reduction of Falls and Injuries. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 44(6), 15 23.
Thématique : Formation et hébergement
Burnes, D., Henderson Jr, C. R., Sheppard, C., Zhao, R., Pillemer, K. & Lachs, M. S. (2017). Prevalence of Financial Fraud and Scams Among Older Adults in the United States: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 107(8), e13-e21.
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