Veille d’articles scientifiques et fiches résumées

Cette section propose une sélection de publications internationales dans le champ de la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées parues depuis 2007. Une recension de la littérature scientifique est réalisée environ aux six mois afin de bonifier régulièrement cette liste de références.

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Burnett, J., Wasik, S., Cash, D., Olson, J., Medina, A., Pena, D., ... & Cannell, M. B. (2024). A collaboration between adult protective services and forensic accounting examiners to investigate complex financial exploitation: formative evaluation findings. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 36(3), 310-327.
Burnett, J., Campetti, R., Froberg, R., Beauchamp, J. E., & Lees-Haggerty, K. (2024). Perspectives on elder mistreatment screening and responding in emergency departments: A qualitative study with survivors. International journal of psychiatry in medicine, 912174231225765. Advance online publication.
Burnett, J., Dyer, C. B., & Heisler, C. J. (2021). Enhancing and evaluating the capacity of elder abuse fatality review teams to assist victim services. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 33(2), 107–122.
Thématique : Pratiques gagnantes et prévention
Crowder, J., Burnett, C., Byon, H. D., Laughon, K., Acierno, R., Yan, G., Hinton, I., & Teaster, P. B. (2020). Exploration and Comparison of Contextual Characteristics and Mistreatment Prevalence Among Older American Indian and Alaska Native Respondents: Secondary Analysis of the National Elder Mistreatment Study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 886260520922356.
Cannell, B., Weitlauf, J., Livingston, M. D., Burnett, J., Parayil, M., & Reingle Gonzalez, J. (2020). Validation of the detection of elder abuse through emergency care technicians (DETECT) screening tool: a study protocol. BMJ Open, 10(9), e037170.
Burnett, J., Suchting, R., Green, C. E., Cannell, M. B., & Dyer, C. B. (2020). Socioecological indicators of senior financial exploitation: an application of data science to 8,800 substantiated mistreatment cases. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 32(2), 105–120.
Abada, S., Clark, L. E., Sinha, A. K., Xia, R., Pace-Murphy, K., Flores, R. J., & Burnett, J. (2019). Medication Regimen Complexity and Low Adherence in Older Community-Dwelling Adults With Substantiated Self-Neglect. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 38(6), 866–883.
Thématique : Autonégligence
Cannell, B., Gonzalez, J. M. R., Livingston, M., Jetelina, K. K., Burnett, J. & Weitlauf, J. C. (2019). Pilot testing the detection of elder abuse through emergency care technicians (DETECT) screening tool: results from the DETECT pilot project. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 31(2), 129–145.
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