Veille d’articles scientifiques et fiches résumées

Cette section propose une sélection de publications internationales dans le champ de la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées parues depuis 2007. Une recension de la littérature scientifique est réalisée environ aux six mois afin de bonifier régulièrement cette liste de références.

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Weldrick, R., & Canham, S. L. (2024). Intersections of ageism and homelessness among older adults: Implications for policy, practice, and research. The Gerontologist, 64(5), gnad088.
Thématique : Âgisme et proches aidants
Salarvand, S., Azizi, Z., Bitaraf, S., & Momeni-Safarabad, N. (2024). Prevalence of self-reported domestic elder abuse and its relation with personality traits of older people and their family caregivers. Archives of Iranian medicine, 27(6), 323-333.
Requena, C., & González-González, E. (2024). Effect of experiential learning on the ageist attitudes of higher education students. Educational Gerontology, 50(6), 481-491.
Thématique : Âgisme et proches aidants
Östlund, L., Sandberg, J., Skillmark, M., Bravell, M. E., & Johansson, L. (2024). A Swedish study about how staff reason and act when they suspect domestic abuse perpetrated by informal caregivers of persons with dementia. European Journal of Social Work, 27(2), 387-400.
Lev, S., Waksman, Y., & Schindler, M. (2024). Social workers’ perceptions regarding legal intervention for older adults without significant cognitive decline who are abused by their adult child. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 67(5), 687-704.
Gassoumis, Z. D., Martinez, J. M., Yonashiro‐Cho, J., Mosqueda, L., Hou, A., Han, S. D., ... & Wilber, K. H. (2024). Comprehensive Older Adult and Caregiver Help (COACH): A person‐centered caregiver intervention prevents elder mistreatment. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 72(1), 246-257.
Jang, Y., Park, J., Park, N. S., Chung, S., & Kim, M. T. (2023). Safety Concerns for Persons with Dementia in Senior Housing: A Qualitative Study with Korean American Caregivers in Los Angeles. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 66(8), 1108-1119.
Zhang, A., Mitchell, L. K., Pachana, N. A., Yang, J. H. J., Au, T. R., Byrne, G. J., O'Sullivan, J. D., & Dissanayaka, N. N. (2022). Caring for a loved one with Parkinson's disease: the role of coping styles and relationship quality. International psychogeriatrics, 34(7), 637–644.
Thématique : Proches aidants
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