Veille d’articles scientifiques et fiches résumées

Cette section propose une sélection de publications internationales dans le champ de la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées parues depuis 2007. Une recension de la littérature scientifique est réalisée environ aux six mois afin de bonifier régulièrement cette liste de références.

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Makaroun, L. K., Bachrach, R. L., & Rosland, A.-M. (2020). Elder Abuse in the Time of COVID-19-Increased Risks for Older Adults and Their Caregivers. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry : Official Journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, 28(8), 876–880.
Meisner, B. A. (2020). Are you ok, boomer? Intensification of ageism and intergenerational tensions on social media amid covid-19. Leisure Sciences
Thématique : Âgisme, covid-19 et médias
Tarazona-Santabalbina, F. J., Martínez-Velilla, N., Vidán, M. T., & García-Navarro, J. A. (2020). [COVID-19, older adults and ageism: Mistakes that should never happen again]. Revista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia, 55(4), 191–192.
Thématique : Âgisme et covid-19
Moraes, C. L. de, Marques, E. S., Ribeiro, A. P., & Souza, E. R. de. (2020). Contributions to address violence against older adults during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 25(suppl 2), 4177–4184.
Reynolds, L. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic exposes limited understanding of ageism. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 32(4–5), 499–505.
Thématique : Âgisme et covid-19
Rahman, A., & Jahan, Y. (2020). Defining a ‘risk group’ and ageism in the era of covid-19. Journal of Loss and Trauma.
Thématique : Âgisme et covid-19
Piccoli, M., Tannou, T., Hernandorena, I., & Koeberle, S. (2020). Ethical approach to the issue of confinement of the elderly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: Prevention of frailty versus risk of vulnerability. Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health, 14, 100539.
Thématique : Âgisme, covid-19 et enjeux éthique
Ayalon, L. (2020). There is nothing new under the sun: Ageism and intergenerational tension in the age of the COVID-19 outbreak. International Psychogeriatrics, 32(10), 1221–1224
Thématique : Âgisme et covid-19
Bergman, Y. S., Cohen-Fridel, S., Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y. (2020). Covid-19 health worries and anxiety symptoms among older adults: The moderating role of ageism.
Thématique : Âgisme et covid-19
Halvorsen, C. J., & Yulikova, O. (2020). Older workers in the time of covid-19: The senior community service employment program and implications for social work. Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
Thématique : Âgisme et covid-19
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