Pickering, C. E. Z., Maxwell, C. D., Yefimova, M., Wang, D., Puga, F., & Sullivan, T. (2022). Early Stages of COVID-19 Pandemic Had No Discernable Impact on Risk of Elder Abuse and Neglect Among Dementia Family Caregivers: A Daily Diary Study. Journal of family violence, 1–11. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-022-00392-8
Pickering, C. E. Z., Maxwell, C. D., Tatro, R., Fales, K., & Hogoboom, B. (2022). Development and Implementation of a Coordinated Community Response to Address Elder Abuse and Neglect. Journal of forensic nursing, 18(3), 156–163. https://doi.org/10.1097/JFN.0000000000000378
Pickering, C. E. Z., Yefimova, M., Maxwell, C., Puga, F., & Sullivan, T. (2020). Daily Context for Abusive and Neglectful Behavior in Family Caregiving for Dementia. Gerontologist, 60(3), 483–493.
Pickering, C. E. Z. & Maxwell, C. (2018). Recruitment, enrollment & data collection with victims of elder abuse and neglect identified from police incident reports. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 30(5), 333–353.
Pickering, C. E., Ridenour, K. & Salaysay, Z. (2016). Best practices for the identification of elder abuse and neglect in home health. Home Healthcare Now, 34(4), 182-188.
Pickering, C. E., Moon, A., Pieters, H. C., Mentes, J. C. & Phillips, L. R. (2015). Relationship management strategies for daughters in conflicted relationships with their ageing mothers. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 71(3), 609-619.
Pickering, C. E. Z., H. C. Pieters, Mentes, J.C., Moon, A. & Phillips, L.R . (2015). Gender, relationships, and elder abuse: Assessing aggression in mother-daughter dyads. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 11(3), 160-166.