Veille d’articles scientifiques et fiches résumées

Cette section propose une sélection de publications internationales dans le champ de la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées parues depuis 2007. Une recension de la littérature scientifique est réalisée environ aux six mois afin de bonifier régulièrement cette liste de références.

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Kagan, S. H. (2020). Ageism, older people, and hospitalization: Walking a path through the past, looking to lead in the future. Geriatric Nursing, 41(5), 654–656.
Thématique : Âgisme et milieux hospitaliers
Jen, S., Stewart, D., & Woody, I. (2020). Serving LGBTQ+/SGL Elders during the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Striving for Justice, Recognizing Resilience. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 63(6/7), 607–610.
Thématique : Âgisme, covid-19 et lgbt
Heape, A., Causey, B., Lloyd, T., & Jeter, S. (2020). Ageism Among Graduate Students in Communication Sciences and Disorders: A Longitudinal Analysis. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 5(5), 1306–1312.
Even-Zohar, A., & Werner, S. (2020). The Effect of Educational Interventions on Willingness to Work with Older Adults: A Comparison of Students of Social Work and Health Professions. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 63(1/2), 114–132.
Thématique : Âgisme, formation et intervention
Ehni, H.-J., & Wahl, H.-W. (2020). Six Propositions against Ageism in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 32(4/5), 515–525.
Thématique : Âgisme et covid-19
Colenda, C. C., Reynolds, C. F., Applegate, W. B., Sloane, P. D., Zimmerman, S., Newman, A. B., Meeks, S., & Ouslander, J. G. (2020). COVID‐19 Pandemic and Ageism: A Call for Humanitarian Care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68(8), 1627–1628.
Thématique : Âgisme et covid-19
Clarfield, A. M., & Jotkowitz, A. (2020). Age, ageing, ageism and “age-itation” in the Age of COVID-19: rights and obligations relating to older persons in Israel as observed through the lens of medical ethics. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 9(1), 64.
Carlson, K. J., Black, D. R., Holley, L. M., & Coster, D. C. (2020). Stereotypes of Older Adults: Development and Evaluation of an Updated Stereotype Content and Strength Survey. Gerontologist, 60(5), e347–e356.
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