
Bédard-Lessard, J., & Beaulieu, M. (26 avril 2017). Professionnalisation de l’action bénévole dans la lutte contre la maltraitance matérielle et financière envers les personnes aînées. Colloque annuel de l’École de travail social. « À l’Université de Sherbrooke, le travail social s’affiche! ». Sherbrooke, Québec (Canada).

Beaulieu, M., & ABAM-MF team (November 2, 2017). Legal needs of older adults who experience elder abuse: the role played by non-profit organisations. 2017 Canadian Elder Law Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).

Beaulieu, M., & Lussier-Therrien, M. (October 21st, 2017). Sexual aggression of older women: an invisible issue. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Leboeuf, R., Beaulieu, M., & Lefebvre, K. (October 21th, 2017). The mistreatment between older adults within private retirement homes: a scooping review. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Maillé, I., Beaulieu, M. & Éthier, S. (October 21st, 2017). The accompaniment provided by non-profit organizations dedicated to counter mistreatment of older adults: Accompanied older adults’ point of view. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

McDonald, L., Gutman, G., Beaulieu, M., Kobayashi, K., Donahue, P., Wideman, G., Hirst, S., Miloff, H., Klinger, C., & Mirza, R. (October 21st, 2017). Knowledge to Action: An Evaluation of Knowledge Mobilization Tools for Seniors in the Community. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Beaulieu, M., & Leboeuf, R. (October 20th, 2017). Bill 115: an act to combat maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations: a critical analysis. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Bédard-Lessard, J., & Beaulieu, M. (October 20th, 2017). Retired police officers as volunteers to counter elder abuse: a case study. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Fearing, G., Sheppard, C. L., McDonald, L., Beaulieu, M., & Hitzig, S. L. (2017). A systematic review on community-based interventions for elder abuse and neglect. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 29(2-3). 102-133.

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