Veille d’articles scientifiques et fiches résumées

Cette section propose une sélection de publications internationales dans le champ de la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées parues depuis 2007. Une recension de la littérature scientifique est réalisée environ aux six mois afin de bonifier régulièrement cette liste de références.

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Akyol Guner, T. (2022), Evaluation of frailty, abuse and depression among community-dwelling older adults in a nortwest city of Turkey. Psychogeriatrics. 22, 485-492.
Abi Chahine, M., & Kienzler, H. (2022). Ageism, an invisible social determinant of health for older Syrian refugees in Lebanon: a service providers' perspective. Conflict and health, 16(1), 62.
Thématique : Âgisme et conséquences
Yılmaz, S., Gunay, E., Lee, D. H., Whiting, K., Silver, K., Koyuturk, M., & Karakurt, G. (2023). Adverse health correlates of intimate partner violence against older women: Mining electronic health records. PloS one, 18(3), e0281863.
Stypińska, J., & Franke, A. (2023). AI revolution in healthcare and medicine and the (re-)emergence of inequalities and disadvantages for ageing population. Frontiers in sociology, 7, 1038854.
Thématique : Âgisme et conséquences
Shiovitz-Ezra, S., Erlich, B., & Ayalon, L. (2023). Short- and Medium-Term Effects of Ageism on Loneliness Experienced During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society, 42(6), 1255–1266.
Thématique : Âgisme, conséquences et covid-19
Rosell, J., & Vergés, A. (2023). Loneliness as a Potential Mechanism of the Association Between Ageism and Mental Health Outcomes in the Chilean Context. Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society, 42(6), 1245–1254.
Thématique : Âgisme et conséquences
Qin, Y., Kong, J., & Moorman, S. (2023). Filial Caregiving and Chinese Adults' Depressive Symptoms: Do Early-Life Parent-Child Relationships Matter?. Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society, 42(1), 12–18.
Pujari, P., Kumar, A. and Pujari, P. (2023), "Impact of social isolation due to COVID-19 on vulnerable geriatric population: a study of physical and psychological wellbeing", Working with Older People, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 69-74.
Pedroso-Chaparro, M. D. S., Antón-López, J. C., Cabrera, I., Márquez-González, M., Martínez-Huertas, J. Á., & Losada-Baltar, A. (2023). 'I feel old and have aging stereotypes'. Internalized aging stereotypes and older adults' mental health: the mediational role of loneliness. Aging & mental health, 1–8. Advance online publication.
Thématique : Âgisme, auto-âgisme et conséquences
Nyirenda, M., Sukazi, S., Buthelezi, C., & Hanass-Hancock, J. (2023). "A frightening experience, especially at our age": Examining the neglect and abuse of older persons in HIV prevention and care programs. Frontiers in public health, 11, 1061339.
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