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Hendryckx, C., Couture, M., Gosselin, N., Gagnon-Roy, M., Thibault, G., Nalder, E., & Bottari, C. (27-30 mars 2024). How to deal with aggressive behaviours after traumatic brain injury: Coping strategies from families living in the community [Oral presentation]. North American Brain Injury Society 17th Annual Conference on Brain Injury, Las Vegas, USA.

Hendryckx, C., Couture, M., Gosselin, N., Gagnon-Roy, M., Thibault, G., Nalder, E., & Bottari, C.  (27-30 mars 2024). How to deal with aggressive behaviours after traumatic brain injury: Coping strategies from families living in the community [Oral presentation]. North American Brain Injury Society 17th Annual Conference on Brain Injury, Las Vegas, USA.