Acknowledging and Responding to Mistreatment in CARegiving (ARMCAR) Themes: Principal researcher Current projects
In partnership with the World Health Organisation, composition of an overview of the mistreatment of older persons and public policies based on a corpus of high-level scientific articles. Themes: Co researcher Current projects
From a perspective of countering mistreatment, an analysis of public discourse concerning older adults during the pandemic. Themes: Principal researcher Completed projects
The 360 Workshops for older adults – Virtual reality to counter mistreatment among older adults Themes: Principal researcher Current projects
Study project – Marie-Chantal Falardeau Themes: Postdoctoral studies in Gerontology Completed projects
An End To Ageism: Co-construction of an intersectoral action plan to optimize the health, worth, and social participation of aging Quebecers. Themes: Co researcher Current projects
Strategies of community organizations to adapt the delivery of services to older adults in vulnerable situations and their caregivers in periods of social isolation. Themes: Co researcher Current projects