
149 results
Over the past few months, the Chair has disseminated the results of its participatory research with the CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS, on psychological mistreatment and material and financial mistreatment of older adults with disabilities. This project funded by the OPHQ has captured interest on the national and international scene and several requests have been made to have access to the documentation in English.
The report: Enhancement of Canadian Data on the Abuse of Older Persons: An exploratory study, which was produced by members of the Chair has been made available by the Department of Justice Canada. This Canadian exploratory study sought to explore the feasibility of filling national data gaps in the area of abuse of older persons in effort to respond to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada’s mandate letter commitment to improve data collection on “elder abuse”.
Themes: Tool
Contributing to counter mistreatment: A guide addressed to Age Friendly Communities (free translation of Contribuer à la lutte contre la maltraitance: Guide à l’intention des municipalités amies des aînés) is a guide that was developed for the Department of Health and Social services of the government of Québec. It is intended for actors of local and regional county municipalities committed to an Age friendly community (free translation of Municipalité amie des aînés, or MADA) approach inside their territories. Marie Beaulieu, Chairholder, and Julien Cadieux Genesse, previous coordinator of the Chair, were the pillars for the development of this guide in collaboration with the MADA research team.
The World Health Organization (WHO) published, on June 15, 2022, during the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a list of five priorities to put forward before 2030 as part of the United Nations’ (UN) Decade of Healthy Ageing. It is an international document to which the Chair contributed significantly. Marie Beaulieu is thanked for her important contribution to the development of these priorities by conceptualising them, the administration of the project and the review of the document. The Chair is proud to be associated to the whole process that led to the production of this document and these priorities.
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