This nomenclature is the result of a démarche de consensus formalisé (formalised consensus approach) initiated and led by the Commission de lutte contre la maltraitance et la promotion de la bientraitance.
International and scientific engagement
Marie Beaulieu is an honorary member of the Board of Directors at the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA). Her mandate is to ensure that this Canadian organisation is represented in Québec and internationally and forge links with the INPEA.
After the holidays, Marie Beaulieu resumes her weekly radio broadcasts entitled Pas d’âge pour vieillir for the program Par ici l’info with host Renée Dumais-Beaudoin on Tuesdays at 6 :40 am.
Research Project and scientific engagement
Under the direction of Hélène Carbonneau (University of Québec at Trois-Rivières), the first project comes under the funding agency's 'Research program on older adults experiencing the dynamics of marginalization and social exclusion.' The project will take place from 2020 to 2023 ($222,246).