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French nomenclature concerning actions to counter mistreatment through the ages, a project in which Marie Beaulieu participated as an invited international expert, is officially available (February 2020)

This nomenclature is the result of a démarche de consensus formalisé (formalised consensus approach) initiated and led by the Commission de lutte contre la maltraitance et la promotion de la bientraitance.

Its official adoption by the French Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé closed the work begun in January 2019.

Without delay, a webinar was organised by ALMA Savoie and ALMA Pyrénées Atlantique, two satellite organizations in the coalition of organisms whose mission is to counter mistreatment in France. The purpose of the webinar was to present the results of the work done and highlight the similarities and dissimilarities between French and Québec vocabularies.

To give substance to these convergences and divergences, Florence Bourgès, member of the Research Chair presently completing her joint doctorate at the University of Sherbrooke and the University of Havre, will present the results of her project on the role of practices of specific actors in the fight against mistreatment of older adults in France, from a Québec perspective.

If interested, please consult the French nomenclature and watch the webinar (Only in French).