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On September 16, Marie Beaulieu hosts a conference for multi-disciplinary members of the Clinique de la mémoire du CHU de Québec (September 2021)

Themes: Conference

Marie Beaulieu is an invited conference speaker at the Clinique interdisciplinaire de la mémoire du CHU de Québec (C.I.M.E.) (Memory Clinic of the University Hospital Center of Québec City). She will communicate the most recent international scientific knowledge and the latest provincial political and academic advances.

Most notably on the agenda during the one-hour conference will be the scope of the phenomenon, its consequences, and the risk and vulnerability factors associated with mistreatment of older adults in their homes and congregate living facilities.

Also, the legal obligations of health and social services professionals contained in the Act to Combat Maltreatment of Seniors and Other Persons of Full Age in Vulnerable Situations (R.L.R.Q., Chapter L-6.3) will be addressed as these are central to the daily practices of nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, geriatricians, neurologists, etc.

This conference is reserved for members of the C.I.M.E.