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The Research Chair begins the year 2022 with four knowledge transfer activities (February 2022)

Themes: Conference

2022 began strongly for the Research Chair with four oral presentations to diverse audiences: health and social services professionals, representatives of community organisations, Service Quality and Complaints Commissioners, etc.

Where available, a link to each of these presentations is inserted in the references that follow:

January 14, 2022 

Webinar hosted by Marie Beaulieu in the Web Café of the International Federation on Ageing: The role of global actors and networks in raising policy priority for elder abuse.

January 19, 2022

Presentation by Marie Beaulieu during the continuing education activity entitled: Conference on Article 48 of the Québec Charter of Rights seeking to counter the mistreatment of older adults and other adults in situations of vulnerability. This activity was organised for the members of the Human Rights Tribunal. Ms. Beaulieu’s presentation focused on the conceptual evolution of mistreatment, the notion of vulnerability and intersectoral work.

During the same activity, Professor Christine Morin (Laval University) dealt with the mobilisation of the law aiming to counter the mistreatment of older adults and other adults in situations of vulnerability as applied in jurisprudence.

January 21, 2022

During the Annual Symposium of Service Quality and Complaints Commissioners of Québec, Marie Beaulieu discussed research partnerships and the roles of Service Quality and Complaints Commissioners in the fight against the mistreatment of older adults.

She centered her presentation on the results of the most recent research project completed by the Chair: Psychological and financial mistreatment of older adults with disabilities in Québec. This project showed the pertinence of actions countering mistreatment used by multiple stakeholders, formal and informal, notably the Service Quality and Complaints Commissioners.

January 27, 2022

A presentation of the In-Hand Practice Guide was given by Marie Beaulieu for members of the Coordinating Committee of mental health and aging clinics in the region of Sherbrooke. These clinics are attached to the Health and Social Services Network and the region’s community networks.

Its principal aim was to introduce them to the use of this tool and initiate a collective ethical reflection on the delicate balance between ensuring “security” of the person and promoting their right to “self-determination.”

January 31, 2022

Marie Beaulieu gave the opening speech for the launch of the work done by the International Chair of SIAGE (Sociétés inclusives et avancée en âge) of the University of Lorraine in France.