Kamateros, A. (2020). Le rôle des institutions financières dans la lutte contre la maltraitance financière et matérielle envers les personnes aînées en situation de vulnérabilité: élaboration d'un protocole respectueux du droit à l'autonomie. Revue du notariat, 122(3), 411-473.
This section suggests a selection of international publications on mistreatment of older adults that have been published since 2007. A scientific literature review is carried out every six months in order to regularly enhance this reference list.
Please note that in order to view most of these articles, you must access the magazine’s website and pay a fee. Where possible, there’s a link to the PDF of the article (through the Download button) which allows you to view it at no cost. If you are part of an educational institution or that your organization offers a library service (e.g. some CISSSs), they may have already subscribed to these journals and they allow free access from a computer workstation in the facility.
Morin, C., Lepage, C. et Pilote, S. (2022). Regard vers les tribunaux à la suite de l’adoption de la Loi visant à lutter contre la maltraitance envers les aînés et toute autre personne majeure en situation de vulnérabilité. Les cahiers de droit, 63(1), 271-300.
Poole, C. & Rietschlin, J. (2012). Intimate partner victimization among adults aged 60 and older: An analysis of the 1999 and 2004 General social survey. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 24(2), 120-137.
Financial mistreatment* and intimate partner violence*
Beaulieu, M. et Cadieux Genesse, J. (2021).COVID-19 en hébergement au Québec. Conséquences de la formation accélérée du personnel sur le risque de maltraitance. Gérontologie et société.
Institution*, organizational (systemic) mistreatment* and training*
Beaulieu, M., & Cadieux Genesse, J. (2021). COVID-19 en hébergement au Québec : conséquences de la formation accélérée du personnel sur le risque de maltraitance. Gérontologie et Société, 2021, 1B-11B.
COVID-19* and institution*
Beaulieu, M., Cadieux Genesse, J., & St-Martin, K. (2021). High death rate of older persons from COVID-19 in Quebec (Canada) long-term care facilities: chronology and analysis. Journal of Adult Protection, 23(2), 110–115.
COVID-19* and institution*
Beaulieu, M., St-Martin, K. et Cadieux Genesse, J. (2021).'I care a lot' a commentary on the depiction of elder abuse in the film. Journal of elder abuse and neglect, 33(4), 342-349.
Caregivers* and financial mistreatment*
Beaulieu, M., St-Martin, K., & Cadieux Genesse, J. (2021). I Care a lot : A Commentary on the Depiction of Abuse of Older Adults in Film. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect. 33(4). 342-349.https://doi.org/10.1080/08946566.2021.1965931
Bédard, M-È., Gagnon, É., & Beaulieu, M. (2021). Faire entendre sa volonté et faire respecter ses droits en situation de grande vulnérabilité : le rôle des comités d’usagers. Les Cahiers de soins palliatifs, 21(1), 57-69.