Scientific Watch and summaries

This section suggests a selection of international publications on mistreatment of older adults that have been published since 2007. A scientific literature review is carried out every six months in order to regularly enhance this reference list.

Please note that in order to view most of these articles, you must access the magazine’s website and pay a fee. Where possible, there’s a link to the PDF of the article (through the Download button) which allows you to view it at no cost. If you are part of an educational institution or that your organization offers a library service (e.g. some CISSSs), they may have already subscribed to these journals and they allow free access from a computer workstation in the facility.

Dahal, M., Dhakal, S., Khanal, S., Baral, K., & Mahaseth, S. (2021). Linkage of Depression with Elder Abuse among Institutionalized Older Persons in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Psychiatry Journal, 2021, 5546623.
Fané, F., Beaulieu, M., & Lenoir, A. (2021). La violence conjugale en contexte migratoire : combiner une pratique réflexive, des savoirs multiples et une éthique professionnelle. Nouvelles pratiques sociales, 32(1), 282–290.
Kulakçı Altıntas, H., & Korkmaz Aslan, G. (2020). Prevalence of elder abuse among community-dwelling older adults in Turkey and its associated factors. Psychogeriatrics: The Official Journal Of The Japanese Psychogeriatric Society, 20(1), 3–10.
Awuviry, N. K., Nkansah, J. O., & Ofori, D. K. (2020). Attributions of elder neglect: A phenomenological study of older people in ghana. Health & Social Care in the Community.
Themes: Intercultural* and neglect*
Honarvar, B., Gheibi, Z., Asadollahi, A., Bahadori, F., Khaksar, E., Faradonbeh, M. R., Farjami, M., & Rabiey Faradonbeh, M. (2020). The Impact of Abuse on the Quality of Life of the Elderly: A Population-based Survey in Iran. Journal of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, 53(2), 89–97.
Mengting Li, Ruijia Chen, & XinQi Dong. (2020). Elder Mistreatment Across Diverse Cultures. Generations, 44(1), 20–25.
Themes: Intercultural*
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