
Beaulieu, M. (October 26th, 2010). Fact quiz on elder abuse – an educational/prevention tool. Canadian Elder Abuse Training and Information Forum/ Forum canadien de formation et d’information sur les mauvais traitements à l’égard des aînés. Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Oral presentation as a guest speaker

Beaulieu, M. (October 26th, 2010). In Hand – An ethical decision making framework for intervening in situations of abuse of older adults. Canadian Elder Abuse Training and Information Forum/ Forum canadien de formation et d’information sur les mauvais traitements à l’égard des aînés. Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Oral presentation as a guest speaker

Bergeron-Patenaude, J., & Beaulieu, M. (October 26th, 2010). Fact Quiz on Elder Abuse (French) Canadian Elder Abuse Training and Information Forum/ Forum canadien de formation et d’information sur les mauvais traitements à l’égard des aînés. Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Oral presentation as a guest speaker

Brunet, C., & Beaulieu, M. (October 26th, 2010). All Together now- Development of an interprofessional tool for responding to abuse of older adults. Canadian Elder Abuse Training and Information Forum/ Forum canadien de formation et d’information sur les mauvais traitements à l’égard des aînés. Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Oral presentation as a guest speaker

Beaulieu, M. (October 25th, 2010) “En Mains”. Canadian Elder Abuse Training and Information Forum/ Forum canadien de formation et d’information sur les mauvais traitements à l’égard des aînés. Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Oral presentation as a guest speaker

Paris, M., Garon, S., & Beaulieu, M. (18 mai 2010). La place réservée aux aînés dans la démarche participative de l’implantation et de l’évaluation du programme « Villes-amies des aînés » de l’OMS au Québec. Journée de travail du REIACTIS (Réseau de recherche International sur l’Age, la CitoyenneTé et l’Insertion Socio-économique). Havre (France).

Themes: Oral presentation as a guest speaker

Beaulieu, M. (September 18th, 2010). Elder abuse: how can we make our communities and institutions safer for seniors? Annual Gathering for the Townshippers (a senior’s organisation for Anglophones in the Eastern Townships). Danville, Québec (Canada).

Themes: Oral presentation as a guest speaker

Beaulieu, M. (May 4th, 2010). Québec’s first plan of action to fight against elder abuse (2010): content and developmental process. 10th Global Conference of the International Federation on Ageing. Melbourne (Australia).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Beaulieu, M., Garon, S., Vincent, E., & Bourgeois, J. (May 4th, 2010). Age Friendly Cities in Québec: partnership between government, research community and local stakeholders. 10th Global Conference of the International Federation on Ageing. Melbourne (Australia).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Garon, S., & Beaulieu, M. (May 7th, 2010). From age friendly cities, to age friendly communities. The Québec model. Age Friendly Environments Post-Conference, Workshop on « WHO Global Network of Age Friendly Cities ». Melbourne (Australia).

Themes: Oral presentation as a guest speaker

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