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Nobels, A., De Schrijver, L., Van Landuyt, M., Vandeviver, C., Lemmens, G. M. D., Beaulieu, M., & Keygnaert, I. (2024). “In the End You Keep Silent”: Help-Seeking Behavior Upon Sexual Victimization in Older Adults. Journal of interpersonal violence, 39(9-10), 2318–2343.
Nobels, A., De Schrijver, L., Van Landuyt, M., Vandeviver, C., Lemmens, G. M. D., Beaulieu, M., & Keygnaert, I. (2024). “In the End You Keep Silent”: Help-Seeking Behavior Upon Sexual Victimization in Older Adults. Journal of interpersonal violence, 39(9-10), 2318–2343.