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The Research Chair participates in a working committee mandated to elaborate and adopt a lexicon of terminology concerning ‘good treatment’ in Québec (October 2020)

As Chairholder, Marie Beaulieu joins an intersectoral working group coordinated by the Secrétariat aux Aînés of the Government of Québec.

The principal task of the committee is to establish a common language in Québec on the ‘good treatment’ of older adults. The members will meet once a month.

Such a common vocabulary will form the foundation for knowledge sharing from the fields of practice, academia, and public policy, which is still in its infancy in the province.

The Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults seeks to underline the complementary characters of the two approaches of promoting good treatment and fighting against mistreatment in Québec. In other words, one does not replace the other, and while it may be a question of promoting good treatment, it should also be a question of fighting mistreatment!