Several written productions by the Chair have been published or will be published in the weeks to come. (November 2021)
As co-author, Marie Beaulieu produces two articles in a special edition of Cahiers francophones de soins palliatifs. (French-language Handbook on Palliative Care). They assemble contributions from the humanities, social sciences and health sciences and focus on three different national contexts: Québec, France, and Switzerland.
The three articles are available for download free of charge.
- Bédard, M-È., Gagnon, É. et Beaulieu, M. (2021). Faire entendre sa volonté et faire respecter ses droits en situation de grande vulnérabilité : le rôle des comités d’usagers. Les Cahiers de soins palliatifs, 21(1), 57-69.
- Castonguay, J., Sévigny, A. et Beaulieu, M. (2021). Accompagner des aînés jusqu’à la fin de leur vie, voilà l’engagement bénévole que j’ai pris et que j’entends respecter. Les Cahiers de soins palliatifs, 21(1), 80-88.
- Nobels, A, Inescu, A. C., Nisen, L., Hanaut, B., Beaulieu, M., Lemmens, G., Adam, S., Schapansky, E., Vandeviver, C. & Keygnaert, I. (2021). Sexual violence in older adults: a Belgian prevalence study. BMC Geriatrics, 21(601),
In the coming months, the journal Gerontology and Society (France) will publish an article entitled COVID-19 en hébergement au Québec: Conséquences de la formation accélérée du personnel sur le risque de maltraitance (COVID-19 in Québec Residential Facilities for Older Adults: Consequences of accelerated training of personnel on the risk of mistreatment). The article has gone to press.
- Beaulieu, M. and Cadieux Genesse, J. COVID-19 en hébergement au Québec : Conséquences de la formation accélérée du personnel sur le risque de maltraitance. Gérontologie et Société. (COVID-19 in Québec Residential Facilities for Older Adults: Consequences of accelerated training of personnel on the risk of mistreatment) Gerontology and Society