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Participation to the Partner’s Day to counter mistreatment of older adults (Journées des partenaires pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées)

On November 14 and 15 of 2023, the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older adults has had the pleasure to participate in the Partner’s Day to counter mistreatment of older adults (Journées des partenaires pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées). Organised by the Secrétariat aux aînés of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS), this event has highlighted the efforts deployed by different actors throughout Quebec to counter mistreatment of older adults and promoting wellness care.

During the first day, the Chair has had the privilege of presenting two workshops. To begin with, Mélanie Couture (Chairholder) has presented the 2022 update of the Terminology on mistreatment of older adults and the recent progress of the Chair’s work. Then, Vanessa Daigle (research assistant for the Chair) and Marie Beaulieu (Affiliated researcher to the Chair and previous Chairholder) hosted “Wellness care in living and care environment during COVID-19, it was possible” (« La bientraitance en milieu de vie et de soins en temps de COVID-19, c’était possible »), a workshop on maintaining and developing a practice following the wellness care approach in the context of a health crisis. Then, Kevin St-Martin (Coordinator of the Chair) and Marie Beaulieu hosted the 360 workshops for older adults, an awareness raising activity to mistreatment, bullying and ageism by using virtual reality by the Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation in collaboration with the Chair. We also had a kiosk during the two days which allowed us to discuss live with many partners.

The presentations can be watched by clicking here (Available in French only)