The Research Chair wishes to provide an easily accessible list of free and confidential helplines that can be called by older adults and their close one experiencing
Media and research project
In acknowledgment of National Anti-Bullying Day, CNPEA Coordinator Bénédicte Schoepflin interviewed Marie Beaulieu on the subject of the bullying of older adults.
Scientific Conference and training
On March 27, the Research Chair is offering a two-hour conference on the bullying of older adults. It will be held in Sainte-Geneviève-de-Batiscan and is organized by l’AQDR Des Chenaux (Association for the Rights of Retired Personnes)
In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Vice-rector of Research and Postgraduate Studies is pleased to honour the research led by women in the different faculties of the University of Sherbrooke.