
149 results
The Governmental Action Plan to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults (2022-2027) (free translation of Plan d’action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées (2022-2027)), also called PAM-3, launched on June 12, shows the priority actions in regard to countering mistreatment of older adults for the next five years. In summary, the PAM-3 proposes: • 5 directions • 56 measures (31 new, 25 renewed) • $50 M in investment
Themes: Award
The Governmental Action Plan to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults (2022-2027) (free translation of Plan d’action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées (2022-2027)), also called PAM-3, was officially made public on June 12. For the occasion, Marie Beaulieu was invited to take part in the press conference where the Minister responsible for Seniors and Informal Caregivers, Marguerite Blais, unveiled the content of this much anticipated 3rd Action plan.
Themes: Awareness and tool
The University Institute of Front Line in Health and Social Services(free translation of Institut universitaire de première ligne en santé et services sociaux )(IUPLSSS), in collaboration with Marie Beaulieu and the Government agency that helps increase the social participation of people with disabilities in Québec (free translation of Office des Personnes Handicapées du Québec) (OPHQ), initiated the creation of a podcast summarizing the highlights of the research on psychological and material and financial mistreatment towards older adults with disabilities directed by Marie Beaulieu and Hélène Carbonneau of the UQTR.
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