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Marie Beaulieu will do a communication during the 29th Friesen Conference to be held this next June 2nd organised by Simon Fraser University

The general goals of the Friesen conference are to highlight the current problems on the subject of older adults’ care and what is done on a national, regional and local level to counter and resolve them. Furthermore, the conference aims to offer a forum for experts, for agencies and public, private and non profit organisations, as well as individuals, so they can voice their opinion on the progress made to this day on the resolution of those problems and that they identify the remaining shortcomings.

Marie Beaulieu will join a group of experts as part of a symposium on aggressions between older adults and will offer a communication on the subject of mistreatment between residents in private seniors’ residences in Québec titled “Resident-to-resident aggression in Quebec private seniors’ residences”.

For more information, in regards to the conference or to register, visit the following web site:

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