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On the international scene, Marie Beaulieu completes one of her scientific commitments regarding the sexual mistreatment of older adult women through the ages. (July 2021)

The Un-Menamais project was conducted from 2017 to 2021 and contributed to a better understanding of the mechanisms, nature, magnitude and impact of sexual violence in Belgium on women, men, transgender people, their peers and offsprings, professionals and society in general.

Marie Beaulieu participated in this major project as an internationally recognised expert on the mistreatment of older adults, including sexual mistreatment. Her views and exchanges on the subject matter assisted the research team in deepening and enriching their understanding of the issues related to sexual violence in this sector of the population.

The project concluded with a scientific seminar and media activities held on June 17, 2021, bringing together researchers from Belgium, Great Britain, the United States, Canada, and Germany. Marie Beaulieu spoke during an interdisciplinary debate addressing the role of research, practices and public policies in the field of sexual violence.

Here is a text written by a part of the research team on the issue. It is available for download free of charge: ‘Are older women forgotten in the fight against sexual violence?

For more information on this research project, please consult the International Centre for Reproductive Health website.