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Marie Beaulieu receives a French mission from June 9 to June 21 of 2022

Themes: International

As part of her international collaborations, Marie Beaulieu receives colleagues from France and experts on the matter of countering mistreatment and promotion of wellness care towards children, people with disabilities and older adults: Alice Casagrande, Dominique Terrasson and Philippe Guillaumot.

Alice Casagrande is a graduate of the Paris institute of political studies, University of Cambridge and School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (DEA of philosophy). Her practice to date was in the associative and public sphere and she has specialised in countering mistreatment of vulnerable groups. She chairs the commission nationale de lutte contre la maltraitance et de promotion de la bientraitance (National Commission to Counter Mistreatment and the Promotion of Wellness Care) in France since 2019. She is the author of Ce que la maltraitance nous enseigne (What Mistreatment Teaches Us) (2012) and Éthique et management du soin et de l’accompagnement (Ethics and Management of Care and Accompaniment) (2016).

Dominique Terrasson is recently retired from her position of Chief of the Project Prévention et lutte contre la maltraitance dans le secteur social et médico-social (Preventing and Countering Mistreatment in the Social and Medico-Social Sector), at the Direction générale de la cohésion sociale (General Dirction of Social Cohesion) for the Government of France. She is elected president of the Association Promouvoir la Recherche, l’Innovation et les développements des Savoirs sur les Maltraitances (Association Promoting Research, Innovation and the Development of Knowledge on Mistreatment) (PRISM).

Philippe Guillaumot is a doctor and a family therapist in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Having a Ph.D. in medicine with a specialty in psychiatry, he has worked as a psychiatrist for more then 30 years. He is also President of the Association ALlô MAltraitance (Hello Mistreatment) (ALMA) 64 since 2008, a telephone helpline for older and/or disabled adults. He is also a medical examiner for the implementation of measures for protected adults. P. Guillaumot is the current president of PRISM.

During this professional visit, many meetings are planned across Québec to meet important actors in countering mistreatment and the promotion of wellness care. The goal of this visit is to continue a dialogue that started 3 years ago between diverse experts of Québec and France on the subject of countering mistreatment and the promotion of wellness care, all of this with the aim of improving the practices.