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Marie Beaulieu participated to an exchange day in Paris with the various researcher teams of the TACT research project

On April 28th, Marie Beaulieu participated to an exchange day in Paris with the various researcher teams of the TACT research project (Traitement des alertes de maltraitance en coopération sur les territoires) (Treatment of Mistreatment Alerts in Cooperation on the Territories).

This project is carried by the association Promouvoir la Recherche, l’Innovation et la Création de Savoirs sur la Maltraitance (Promote the Research, Innovation and Creation of Knowledge on Mistreatment) (PRISM) and is supported by the Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie (National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy). It reunites all the actors of public policy against mistreatment on the territories:  Regional health agencies, public prosecutor’s department, county councils, maisons de prévention et protection des familles de la gendarmerie nationale (Gendarmerie’s National Prevention and Protection of Families Housing) , ALMA antennas linked to the fédération 3977 contre les maltraitances (3977 Federation Against Mistreatment) and victim support organizations.

The goals of this project are to improve the concerted treatments of the alerts (worrying information and mistreatment reports on the territories) and to offer an example of production of conclusive data on mistreatment towards children, disabled people and older adults.

As part of this exchange day, Marie Beaulieu was invited to discuss with 4 researchers about the knowledge, challenges and progress on the subject of research practices fighting mistreatment, including service trajectories.

More information is available on the Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l’Autonomie (CNSA)’s web site (French only).