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The Chair welcomes Laurie Poisson, interning in marketing communication at the University of Sherbrooke, during the 2021 winter semester (February 2021)

Themes: Students

To complete her undergraduate studies in the summer of 2021, Laurie Poisson decided to complete her final internship at the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults.

Motivated to learn more about the mistreatment of older adults and interested in contributing to the process of social change arising from research activities, training and written and oral communication, she aims to broaden and put to good use her considerable communication skills (from January to April 2021).

Most notably, she will work in direct collaboration on the Chartwell-2 project:

  • By carrying out a review and analysis of programs to counter intolerance and promote wellness care in private retirement residences,
  • By creating a communications strategy for the project,
  • By participating in developing a program to counter intolerance and promote good treatment arising from the project.
  • Etc.

She will also contribute to the overall work of the Research Chair with the:

  • Development of a newsletter,
  • Revision of documents,
  • Optimisation of the website,
  • Etc.

The team wishes her a rewarding internship!