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The Chair warmly welcomes measures directed towards older adults in the Plan d’action concerté pour prévenir et contrer l’intimidation et la cyberintimidation 2020-2025 (Concerted Action Plan to Prevent and Counter Intimidation and Cyberbullying) (March 2021)

Themes: Bullying

Launched on February 23, 2021, the five-year (2020-2025) Concerted Action Plan is the result of ‘… an extensive public consultation held from Autumn 2019 to Winter 2020 and the work of 17 ministries, organisations, and all political parties represented in the National Assembly.’

It contains 26 measures, two of which specifically concern older adults:

  • Measure 6: To counter cyberbullying of older adults more effectively, conduct studies on risk factors, protection, and prevention.
  • Measure 21: Implement awareness activities about the importance of maintaining relationships devoid of bullying and promoting an environment of wellness care in community-living establishments for older adults.

Two other general measures encompass the fight against the bullying of older adults:

Measure 17: Produce an annual communications plan that includes strategies and concrete communications methods adapted to different populations to raise their awareness of intimidation and cyberbullying.

Measure 19: Sensitise the public, even at a young age, to the importance of maintaining sound family relationships with respect to financial assets.

The Chair takes pride in its on-going work to counter bullying of older adults. We have led research activities on this subject since the first Concerted Action Plan adopted in 2015. The section of our website entitled ‘Our Expertise’ offers detailed presentations and is a centralised bank of oral and written communications.

To consult the Action Plan, go to the website of the Ministère de la Famille du Québec.