As co-researcher, Marie Beaulieu participates in a project funded by the Quebec Network for Research on Aging (RQRV) as part of its support for research into COVID-19 (June 2020)
Entitled ‘Community organizations’ strategies to adapt the delivery of services to vulnerable older adults and their caregivers in a period of social isolation’, this project is co-directed by Valérie Poulin (University of Québec at Trois-Rivières) and Véronique Provencher (University of Sherbrooke).
Responding to the health and social upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the project aims to ‘document the innovative strategies and practices that could be adopted by community organizations to adapt the delivery of services to vulnerable older adults and their caregivers in a period of social isolation.’
The contribution of Marie Beaulieu will advance the understanding of mechanisms put into place to mitigate the mistreatment or financial abuse of older adults that may come from family members as a result of a more challenging economic situation.
This 12-month research project began in April 2020 with funding of $40,000