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Webinar – Ageism and autoageism: Raising awareness on perceptions that hinder us (Âgisme et autoâgisme : Prendre conscience des perceptions qui nous nuisent)

Invited by Mrs. Julie Forgues (Agente de planification, de programmation et de recherche pour le CISSS Chaudière-Appalaches), the Chair had the pleasure to close the month of February with the presentation of a webinar entitled: “Ageism and autoageism: Raising awareness on perceptions that hinder us” (« Âgisme et autoâgisme : Prendre conscience des perceptions qui nous nuisent ») by Mélanie Couture (Chairholder).

With the participation of more than 260 persons, this event sparked a strong interest and very positive feedback. The success of this webinar shows the important to continue to raise awareness of the population on these crucial issues. Big thanks to all the participants for their contribution to this essential discussion as well as Kevin St-Martin (Coordinator of the Chair) and Julie Forgues who co-hosted and organised the event.

A summary sheet of the key points from the webinar on ageism and autoageism is available. Click here to view it (Available in French only).