Knowledge transfer activities - Program GIFT in residence

The Program GIFT in residence (for Goodwill against Intolerance For Togetherness) is addressed to the managers and staff members of private seniors’ residence (PSR) and aims to propose tools and activities to promote goodwill in PSR and to counter intolerance between residents.

The program offers markers and structures that can be used completely or in part according to the needs of the residence. It is presented in four documents: 1) Presentation of the Program GIFT in residence, 2) Module 1. Welcoming procedures for new residents, 3) Module 2. Management of situation of intolerance between residents: training and follow up, 4) Module 3. Promoting goodwill between residents.

The document entitled Presentation of the Program GIFT in residence synthesis the steps that led to the elaboration and validation of the program, then describes its objectives, its content, as well as the steps to follow to optimise the implementation of the program in a PSR. To this end, the document contains an evaluation table of the needs on the matter of promoting goodwill within the residence as well as countering intolerance between residents. Depending on the results, the managers and staff members involved in the execution of the program have the option of using one or more specific modules. The first module discusses the welcoming process of new residents, the second the intervention and management of situations of intolerance and the last one the promotion of goodwill.

The program as a whole is available in French by clicking here.

Consult the promotional video as well as the program’s presentation video to learn more on the Program GIFT in residence


The Program GIFT in residence comes from the partnership research Promoting goodwill and countering intolerance among residents in private seniors’ residences: Need study with a view to developing a program (hereinafter Research 2). This three-year research (2019-2022) was conducted by the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults in collaboration with Chartwell retirement residences (hereinafter Chartwell), the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières and the Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation. It is in part funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (890-2018-0057), the non-profit national research organization Mitacs and the Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation.

The Program GIFT in residence and the research from which it comes from, stem from a need study (hereinafter Research 1) conducted from 2018 to 2019 by the Chair in collaboration with Chartwell. The whole of this collaboration for the Research 1 and 2 comes from the initiatives of Chartwell managers located in Estrie who approached the Chair because they were preoccupied with intolerance situations between residents (e.g. mockery, insults, bullying, exclusion, etc.). Committed to the well-being and quality of life of the residents, these managers were wondering how to favor wellness care between residents and wished to put efficient solutions to counter intolerance between residents.


The Research 1, conducted from 2018 to 2019 is a need study that had the goal to document the mistreatment and wellness care manifestations between residents of PSR, to elaborate a common language to address the issue (the terms “intolerance” and “goodwill” were selected), to identify the needs on the matter of promoting wellness care and countering mistreatment between residents, then elaborating possible solutions to implement to answer these. To achieve this, the point of view of the residents, the staff members and the managers that witnessed mistreatment and wellness care situations between residents were collected by conducting interviews.

Based on the results of the Research 1, the Research 2, conducted from 2019 to 2022 had the goal of developing and implementing a program aiming to promote goodwill and countering intolerance between PSR residents. It aimed more specifically to:
• Document the practice on the subject of countering intolerance between residents and the promotion of goodwill in PSR.
• Develop a program aiming to promote goodwill in PSR and countering intolerance between residents, then testing it.
• Realise a developmental assessment of the program’s testing.

During the first year of the Research 2 (2019 to 2020), a state of knowledge about goodwill and intolerance between residents, as well as the practices linked to it, was realized with a literature review, and with the help of 25 individual interviews conducted with people who experienced intolerance between residents, staff members and external practitioners who intervened in a situation of intolerance or having supported a person with the procedures to resolve it.

During the second year of research (2020-2021), the content of the program was developed by the research team in collaboration with residents, staff members, managers and partners from the practice and research through work committees.

The program was then tested during the third year of research (2021-2022) within four partnered Chartwell residences located in Estrie and in Montérégie. Then a developmental assessment of the program was realized with group interviews with residents and staff members of each residence, as well as individual interviews with the managers of each residence. At the end of this work, the Program GIFT in residence was reviewed and finalized to be released. In collaboration with the Fédération québécoise du loisir en institution (FQLI), training aiming to facilitate the implementation of the Program GIFT in residence was also developed.


The four documents of the Program GIFT in residence are available by clicking on the following links:

English version**:
• Presentation of the Program GIFT in Residence
• Module 1. Mechanisms for welcoming new residents
• Module 2. Managing Situation of Intolerance Between Residents: Training and Follow up 
• Module 3. Promoting Goodwill Among Residents



For optimal use of the Program GIFT in residence, a training session of 2h30 is recommended.

Developed and offered in partnership with the FQLI and the Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation, this training is addressed to managers and staff members of PSR that wish to promote goodwill within their residence and counter intolerance between residents.

The training has the objective of presenting the Program GIFT in residence and its implementation within PSR. It is divided in five parts:
1. Presentation of the Program GIFT in residence (history, objectives of the program, definition of intolerance and goodwill, etc.)
2. Implementation and perpetuation of the program in the residence (Evaluation of the needs, definition of the roles and the contribution of everyone, etc.)
3. Presentation of Module 1 (Mechanisms for welcoming new residents)
4. Presentation of Module 2 (Managing Situation of Intolerance Between Residents: Training and Follow up )
5. Presentation of Module 3 (Promoting Goodwill Among Residents)

The training has a dynamic approach. It is interspersed with video clips and tests of some tools and activities proposed in the program. Through the training, the participants are welcomed to exchange on their roles in the implementation of the program, as well as identify the limits and ways to ensure its continuation within the residence.

Contact the Chair by email for more information.


Documents of the Program GIFT in residence (French version)

Beaulieu, M., Falardeau, M-C., Carbonneau, H., & Levasseur, M. (2022). Module 1. Mécanismes d’accueil des nouveaux résidents. Programme BIEN en résidence. Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées, Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’expérience inclusive de loisir (GIREIL) et Chartwell résidences pour retraités.

Beaulieu, M., Falardeau, M-C., Carbonneau, H., & Levasseur, M. (2022). Module 2. Gestion des situations d’intolérance entre résidents : formation et suivi. Programme BIEN en résidence. Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées, Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’expérience inclusive de loisir (GIREIL) et Chartwell résidences pour retraités.

Beaulieu, M., Falardeau, M-C., Carbonneau, H., Belley, R., & Levasseur, M. (2022). Module 3. Promotion de la bienveillance entre résidents. Programme BIEN en résidence. Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées, Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’expérience inclusive de loisir (GIREIL) et Chartwell résidences pour retraités.

Beaulieu, M., Falardeau, M-C., Carbonneau, H., & Levasseur, M. (2022). Présentation du Programme BIEN en résidence. Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées, Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’expérience inclusive de loisir (GIREIL) et Chartwell résidences pour retraités.

Documents of the Program GIFT in residence (English version)

Beaulieu, M., Falardeau, M-C., Carbonneau, H., & Levasseur, M. (2023). Presentation of the Program GIFT in residence. Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults, Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’expérience inclusive de loisir (GIREIL) and Chartwell Retirement Residences.

Beaulieu, M., Falardeau, M-C., Carbonneau, H., & Levasseur, M. (2023). Mechanisms for welcoming new residents. Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults, Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’expérience inclusive de loisir (GIREIL) and Chartwell Retirement Residences.

Beaulieu, M., Falardeau, M-C., Carbonneau, H., & Levasseur, M. (2023). Managing situations of intolerance between residents: Training and follow-up. Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults, Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’expérience inclusive de loisir (GIREIL) and Chartwell Retirement Residences.

Beaulieu, M., Falardeau, M-C., Carbonneau, H., & Levasseur, M. (2023). Promotion of goodwill among residents. Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults, Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’expérience inclusive de loisir (GIREIL) and Chartwell Retirement Residences

Research report– Research 1

Beaulieu, M. & Leboeuf, R. en collaboration avec les Résidences Chartwell. (2019). Rapport de recherche synthèse. Améliorer la vie collective en résidence privée pour aînés : Établir les besoins en matière de lutte contre la maltraitance entre résidents et de promotion du « bien vivre ensemble ». Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées et Chartwell résidences pour retraités. Sherbrooke, Québec. 24 p.

Beaulieu, M. & Leboeuf, R. in collaboration with Chartwell Retirement Residences. (2019). Synthesis Research Report. To improve the quality of community living in private residences: Establish the needs to counter resident-to-resident mistreatment and promote the concept of ‘living well together’. Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults and Chartwell Retirement Residences. Sherbrooke, Québec. 24 p.

Research report– Research 2

Beaulieu, M., Carbonneau, H., Levasseur, M., & Falardeau, M-C. (2024). Development and Piloting of the Program GIFT in Residence. Research Synthesis Report. Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults and Chartwell Retirement Residences.

Beaulieu, M., Carbonneau, H., Levasseur, M., et Falardeau, M-C. (2022). Élaboration et mise à l’essai du Programme BIEN en résidence. Rapport de recherche synthèse. Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées et Chartwell résidences pour retraités

Beaulieu, M., Carbonneau, H., Levasseur, M., & Falardeau, M-C. (2021). Promoting goodwill and countering intolerance among residents in independent living facilities. Needs study with a view to developing a program. Research review report. Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults and Chartwell Retirement Residences. 36 p.

Beaulieu, M., Carbonneau, H., Levasseur, M. et Falardeau, M-C. (2021). Promotion de la bienveillance et lutte contre l’intolérance entre résidents en RPA. Étude des besoins en vue de l’élaboration d’un programme. Rapport de recherche synthèse. Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées et Chartwell résidences pour retraités. 36 p.

List of all publications and communications realized as part of this research

To consult the list of all publications and communications realized as part of this research, click here.