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The webinar Ethical Dilemmas and resources in countering mistreatment of older adults (free translation of Dilemmes éthiques et ressources dans la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées) is now available on our YouTube channel
Themes: Scientific Conference
On June 15, during the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Marie Beaulieu and Alice Casagrande (France) offered a conference on the theme of Ethical dilemmas and resources in countering mistreatment of older adults (free translation of Dilemmes éthiques et ressources dans la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées).
Conceived to answer a need raised by the regional coordinators on countering mistreatment of older adults and their partners, the webinar addressed ethical questions that must ideally guide and not hinder actions to counter mistreatment of older adults.
The webinar is now available to watch in free access and on our YouTube channel (French only):