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Marie Beaulieu and Alice Casagrande offer a conference as part of the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day of June 15

This conference, in the form of a webinar, titled Dilemmes éthiques et ressources dans la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. Created to answer a need raised by the regional coordinators on the matter of countering mistreatment towards older adults and their partners, the webinar will cover the ethical questions which ideally should guide and not stop actions to counter mistreatment towards older adults.

In summary:

  • For the practitioners, we particularly think about the will to preserve or even favor the expression of self-determination for older adults which goes with the necessity, or the duty, of protecting those who need it.
  • We must also think with the psychosocial practitioners who are wondering about the range and the limits of their action autonomy as well as the confidentiality in information sharing about a given situation.
  • For the managers or the corporate executives which manage teams of practitioners, for example the conciliation between skill requirements and the necessity to provide positions or maintaining sufficient staff which can lead to concessions when recruiting.
  • And for everyone who witnesses mistreatment coming from the practices of their peers, think about the loyalty conflicts and the difficulty of being the reporter.

This presentation with two voices, one coming from France and the other from Québec, aims to create a dialogic space allowing to think about ethics in action to counter mistreatment towards older adults.

The free webinar will happen on Wednesday June 15 from 11h45 to 13h15 on the platform Teams. Click here to participate.

For more information about the conference, visit the following link:

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