
Leboeuf, R., & Beaulieu, M. (October 20th, 2017). Understanding the similarities and distinctions between elder abuse and bullying in order to better identify appropriate practice. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Bédard-Lessard, J., & Beaulieu, M. (October 20th, 2017). Retired police officers as volunteers to counter elder abuse: a case study. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Leboeuf, R., Beaulieu, M., & Lefebvre, K. (October 21th, 2017). The mistreatment between older adults within private retirement homes: a scooping review. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

McDonald, L., Gutman, G., Beaulieu, M., Kobayashi, K., Donahue, P., Wideman, G., Hirst, S., Miloff, H., Klinger, C., & Mirza, R. (October 21st, 2017). Knowledge to Action: An Evaluation of Knowledge Mobilization Tools for Seniors in the Community. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Maillé, I., Beaulieu, M., & Éthier, S. (October 21st, 2017). The accompaniment provided by non-profit organizations dedicated to counter mistreatment of older adults: Accompanied older adults’ point of view. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Salles, M., Beaulieu, M., & Bédard-Lessard, J. (October 20th, 2017). Ethical issues with regards to qualitative research on elder abuse. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Pelletier, C., Beaulieu, M., & Fane, F. (October 20th, 2017). Mistreatment and bullying of older adults: a qualitative study. 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. « Evidence for action in an aging world ». Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Castonguay, J., Beaulieu, M., & Sévigny, A. (July 23, 2017). Baby-boomers’ volunteering in non-profit organisations offering home support. 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. « Global aging and health: bridging science, policy, and practice ». San Francisco, California (USA).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Beaulieu, M., & ABAM-MF team (July 25th, 2017). Non-Government Organisations and Volunteer actions to counter elder abuse. 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. « Global aging and health: bridging science, policy, and practice ». San Francisco, California (USA).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Crevier, M., Beaulieu, M., & Le Borgne-Uguen, F. (4-7 juillet 2017). Le bénévolat dans la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées : une pratique sociale pour prendre en compte la vulnérabilité de soi et de l’autre. 7e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour la Formation, la Recherche et l’Intervention Sociale (AIFRIS). « Solidarités en questions et en actes : quelles recompositions? ». Montréal, Québec (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

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