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Luisa Diaz


Master’s degree in Social Work (2015), University of Sherbrooke.

Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Journalism (2006), University of La Sabana (Colombia).




Intersystem and Interdisplinary Collaboration Practices to counter mistreatment of older adults: Systematic literature review and reflection on the role of the social worker regarding these practices.


Research chair award to counter mistreatment, Arrimage and IPAM projects (2014): $10 000


Master’s degree carried out from fall 2011 to 2015

Master’s thesis written from winter 2014 to winter 2015.


Mistreatment of older adults is a multifactor and complex problem. The recent scientific literature has consistently emphasized the need to adopt an approach based on the collaboration between various sectors and disciplines in order to counter it.

The application of this winning approach, necessary and viewed as an essential course of action to be integrated in the intervention practices, a prerequisite for the knowledge and understanding of the role that each of the professional is being called upon to play in their working teams. The interprofessional and intersectoral link, which is the foundation of this practice, is the result of the ability of the various professionals to take ownership of the problem.


Among the different professionals who are facing the problem and called upon to be part of this collaborative work, social workers have an essential role to play. What is this role? What is the social worker’s place (the mandate, the mission) within these collaborative practices? What are the benefits and challenges encountered by social workers who are committed to these practices? How can we promote their participation? This thesis specifically aims at addressing these questions.


  1. Provide a general picture of the role of social workers in collaborative practices regarding mistreatment of older adults.
  2. Present a general description of factors that could be a barrier and fostering commitment from social workers in these practices.
  3. Offer a broad reflection on ways to promote their participation in the collaborative work regarding mistreatment of older adults.


The methodological approach chosen was the systematic literature review of the writings. Thirteen computerized data banks were consulted in order to create a corpus of articles from the scientific literature and the grey literature, published in English and French, by researchers from different disciplines across the world. The timeline referred to was from 2004 to 2014 and this, in order to take into consideration, the evolution of practices during this last decade. The total number of books considered for the corpus documentary of this thesis is 112.


Final submission MA thesis in June 2015.

Drafting of scientific articles from her essay is scheduled for summer 2016.


Diaz, L. & Beaulieu, M. (19 février 2015). Pratiques de collaboration intersectorielle et interprofessionnelle dans le domaine de la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les aînés. Colloque scientifique étudiant CÉRTA, Centre d’études et de recherches sur les transitions et l’apprentissage, Université de Sherbrooke. 5e édition : Collaboration et partenariat dans le soutien aux transitions auprès des populations en situation de précarité. Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Québec).

Diaz, L. (18 novembre 2014). Pratiques de collaboration intersectorielle et interprofessionnelle dans le domaine de la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les aînés. Cours sur la maltraitance envers les aînés donné par la professeure Marie Beaulieu dans le cadre de la maîtrise en travail social, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Québec).

Beaulieu, M., Garon, S. & Diaz, L. (4 septembre 2014). La place des aînés dans l’élaboration et la dispensation des services qui les concernent. Une réflexion tirée des pratiques de lutte contre la maltraitance et de l’implantation de la démarche Villes amies des aînés. Symposium international Sociétés et Vieillissements. Connaissances et perspectives en sociologie. Journées en l’Honneur de Simone Pennec. Brest (France).


Diaz, L. (2015). Les pratiques de collaboration intersectorielle et interdisciplinaire dans le domaine de la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les aînés : Recension systématique des écrits et réflexion sur le rôle du travailleur social au sein des pratiques (Essai de maîtrise). Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, École de travail social, Université de Sherbrooke, 220p.