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Fanta Fane (Ph.D)


Master’s degree in Social Work (2018), University of Sherbrooke.

Master’s degree in consulting, organizing and guiding technological and social interventions (2011), University of Picardie Jules Verne (France).

Master’s degree in health and social policy engineering (2009), University of Picardie Jules Verne (France).

Master’s degree in Sociology (2007), Gaston Berger University (Senegal).

Bachelor’s degree in Sociology (2006), Gaston Berger University (Senegal).


Doctoral candidate in Gerontology (studies began in 2017), University of Sherbrooke.


Understand the dynamic of intimate partner violence among older immigrant women.


2011-2012 : Bourse de mobilité Phileas (6 000 euros) – Conseil Régional de Picardie (France)


The thesis was started in September, 2017, and should be completed in April, 2022.


Intimate partner violence, as a social problem, has been the subject of a much scientific research that has led to the emergence of theories and evidence-based practices to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this area (Lessard et al., 2015). Increasingly, participatory, inclusive and integrative research is being promoted to capture the experience of female victims, especially in an intercultural context. We are seeing the emergence of innovative practices based on exploratory research to respond to the observed limitations of the services offered to immigrant clients, even though there are still some obstacles (Fané, 2017). Efforts in social sciences are simultaneously addressing the heterogeneity and complexity of aging (Wallach, 2013).

Few studies are concerned with both spousal violence and the aging process in ethnocultural communities. To our knowledge, the intersection of these three dimensions is little explored in research; hence the need to develop further work in this direction. Indeed, the aging process is paired by major issues for immigrant women who find themselves increasingly prey to intimate partner violence, which also has its own particularities.

This research adopts a perspective of building and renewing knowledge about intimate partner violence among the older immigrant population. Establishing qualitative and/or quantitative data is imperative to develop practices adapted to the needs of this clientele.


The purpose of this thesis is to document and understand the specific issues of intimate partner violence among immigrant women concomitantly with the aging process.


The objectives of this research are:

  1. Identify the perception of the aging process among immigrant women and its impact on intimate partner violence among this population;
  2. Question the dual process of acculturation and traditionalism on the issue of intimate partner violence among older immigrants;
  3. Examine the issue of accessibility to services for mistreated older immigrant women with the intention of renewing intervention practices.


Data collection: The research will start with a systematic literature review, which will consist of collecting and selecting documents that will prove useful and relevant to our object of study (scientific documents, grey literature, etc.); the objective being to better circumscribe.

Using the narrative approach, qualitative research will be used to capture the experience of older immigrants on issues related to aging and intimate partner violence in relation to their migratory journey. Interviews will be conducted with professionals to benefit from their experiences working with immigrant clients in order to promote innovative practices.


A general literature review on the topic of intimate partner violence will be initiated to better delineate our research project.


Beaulieu, M., Pelletier, C. & Fane, F. (accepté). Hindering and facilitating factors when requesting help in situations of mistreatment or bullying of older adults. Communication présentée à la 14th Global Conference on Ageing, International Federation on Ageing, Toronto.

Beaulieu, M., Pelletier, C. et Fane, F. (accepté). Freins et leviers à la demande d’aide des aînés projetés en situation hypothétique de maltraitance ou d’intimidation. Communication présentée au 11ème Congrès International Francophone de Gérontologie et Gériatrie (CIFGG), Montreux (Suisse).

Beaulieu, M., Pelletier, C. Fane, F. et Delorme, C. (18 mai 2018). Les connaissances et les besoins des aînés témoins ou cibles de maltraitance ou d’intimidation. Communication présentée à la 14e Journée scientifique du CDRV et 28e Gérontoclub, Sherbrooke, Québec.

Pelletier, C., Beaulieu, M. et Fane, F. (8 mai 2018). Freins et leviers à la demande d’aide des aînés en situation de maltraitance ou d’intimidation. 86e congrès de l’ACFAS, 7-11 mai 2018, Chicoutimi (Québec, Canada).

Pelletier, C., Beaulieu, M. et Fane, F. (20 octobre 2017). Mistreatment and bullying of older adults: a qualitative study. Communication présentée à la 46e Réunions scientifique et éducative annuelle de l’Association Canadienne de gérontologie, « Actions fondées sur les données probantes pour un monde vieillissant », Winnipeg (Canada).

Fane,F. (19 octobre 2017). Améliorer l’accessibilité aux services pour les femmes immigrantes victimes de violence conjugale. Communication présentée au colloque Trajectoire de la maison d’hébergement pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale : la Méridienne, Sherbrooke, Québec.

Fané, F. (4 juillet 2017). La violence conjugale chez les communautés immigrantes, regards croisées en théories, pratiques et réalités socio-culturelles. Communication présentée au colloque international : la norme dans tous ses états: enjeux et défis pour le travail social, Université du Québec en Outaouais.

Fané, F. (26 avril 2017). La violence conjugale chez les communautés immigrantes, Regards croisés entre théories et Pratiques. Communication présentée au colloque de l’École de travail social à l’Université de Sherbrooke (Québec).


Fane, F., St-Pierre, L. et Péloquin, A-J. (2017). Rédaction de guide de pratique.

Fane, F. et Beaulieu, M. (2018). Rapport de recherche. Rapport des analyses qualitatives. Document inédit.