Each year, October 1 is recognised as the International Day of Older Persons. A worldwide multitude of activities is organised to promote and acknowledge the value of older persons in contemporary society.
As one of several activities in preparation for France’s national day of consensus-building against mistreatment on September 23, Marie Beaulieu participated in a web conference on the knowledge drawn from international research on this subject.
Since March, the Chairholder and members of the research team have been involved in a diversity of work concerning the mistreatment of older persons and COVID-19. Here is a summary of their activities within various categories.
The project is led by Vanessa Daigle and is entitled Intervenir en milieu de vie et de soins pour personnes aînées en temps de COVID-19: quand l’action tombe sous le sens. It is funded by a MITACS research scholarship and a financial contribution from the Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation.