Financial mistreatment of older adults, or when relatives get richer(Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke
Mistreatment and intimidation of older adults (Available in French only)Research Center on Ageing of Sherbrooke
Neglect towards older adults – Are we vigilant enough? (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke
Five professors of the UdeS at the heart of an international event of the WHO (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke
$1 M for the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke
The Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults is renewed (Available in French only)Research Center on Ageing of Sherbrooke
In the face of intimidation, older adults are counting on their relatives (Available in French only)Research Center on Ageing of Sherbrooke
Professor Marie Beaulieu received at the Royal Society of Canada (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke
The greatest Canadian honour for a researcher of the CDRV (Available in French only)Research Center on Ageing of Sherbrooke
The Mistreatment of older adults : countering the material and financial abuse (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke