Bulletin de nouvelle de l’UdeS – RPA : une étude sur la maltraitance envers les aînés (Available in French only)Université de Sherbrooke
Nouvelle titulaire et 1,5 M$ pour la Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke
Marie Beaulieu named as one of the 50 leaders for her work on aging(free translation of Marie Beaulieu Nommée par l’ONU comme l’une des 50 leaders pour ses travaux sur le vieillissement) (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke
Marie Beaulieu is recognized by the UN for her work (free translation of Marie Beaulieu reconnue par l’ONU pour ses travaux) (Available in French only)Research Center on Ageing of Sherbrooke
$50 M for the new action plan to counter mistreatment of older adults (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke
“International Women’s Day – A passion, to age well” (Available in French only)Université de Sherbrooke
Prof. Marie Beaulieu rewarded for her prolific career (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke
Marie Beaulieu rewarded for her prolific career (Available in French only)Research Center on Ageing of Sherbrooke
The expertise of the UdeS to help the aging population (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke
Mistreatment : bringing older adults to ask form help (Available in French only)University of Sherbrooke