Scientific Watch and summaries

This section suggests a selection of international publications on mistreatment of older adults that have been published since 2007. A scientific literature review is carried out every six months in order to regularly enhance this reference list.

Please note that in order to view most of these articles, you must access the magazine’s website and pay a fee. Where possible, there’s a link to the PDF of the article (through the Download button) which allows you to view it at no cost. If you are part of an educational institution or that your organization offers a library service (e.g. some CISSSs), they may have already subscribed to these journals and they allow free access from a computer workstation in the facility.

Beaulieu, M. & Cadieux Genesse, J. (2022). Maltraitance organisationnelle dans les CHSLD : la réponse du gouvernement du Québec en contexte de crise sanitaire. Lien social et Politiques, (88), 172–193.
Bashian, H. M. (2022). The role of aging anxiety, ageism, and health locus of control on middle-aged adults’ health outcomes and health behaviors [ProQuest Information & Learning]. In Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering (Vol. 83, Issue 3–B).
Themes: Ageism*
Barry, L., & Hughes, P. (2022). The New Serious Incident Response Scheme and the Responsive Regulation of Abuse in Aged Care. Journal of Law & Medicine, 29(2), 465–480.
Baril, A., & Silverman, M. (2022). Forgotten lives: Trans older adults living with dementia at the intersection of cisgenderism, ableism/cogniticism and ageism. Sexualities, 25(1–2), 117–131.
Band-Winterstein, T., & Avieli, H. (2022). The Lived Experience of Older Women Who Are Sexually Abused in the Context of Lifelong IPV. Violence against women, 28(2), 443–464.
Band-Winterstein, T., Goldblatt, H., Lev, S., & Harel, D. (2022). Forms of sexual assault against older women in the context of acquaintance relationships: An intersectional perspective. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30, e2330– e2339.
Baker, T. A., & Gamaldo, A. A. (2022). More Than Just Race: Redefining the Impact of Sociocultural and Biologic Determinants on Aging and Well-Being of Older Diverse Populations. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 77(11), 1959–1963.
Baker, R. S.-P. (2022). Elder abuse: Lack of education and impact on the community [ProQuest Information & Learning]. In Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering (Vol. 83, Issue 9–B).
Bajpai, N., Kulshreshtha, K., Dubey, P. and Sharma, G. (2022), "Classifying elders neglect, insult and abuse through financial hardship and physical health", Working with Older People, Vol. 26 No. 4, pp. 297-318.
Bailey, S. W., & Sudha, S. (2022). Too little, too late?: Can an integrated empathy-building intervention shift gero-attitudes for undergraduates in an online course?. Gerontology & geriatrics education, 43(4), 520–536.
Themes: Ageism* and prevention*
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