Themes: Articles in professional or cultural journals without scientific reading panel and written productions
Themes: Articles in professional or cultural journals without scientific reading panel and written productions
Themes: Forewords and written productions
Crête, R., Tchotourian, I., Beaulieu, M. (2014). Avant-propos. Dans Crête, R., Tchotourian, I., Beaulieu, M. (Ed.). L’exploitation financière des personnes aînées : prévention, résolution et sanction. Montréal : Éditions Yvon Blais. pp. xiii-xv.
Themes: Forewords and written productions
Themes: Revised and published scientific articles and written productions
Themes: Revised and published scientific articles and written productions
Themes: Revised and published scientific articles and written productions
Themes: Chapters of a book or of a collective work and written productions
Beaulieu, M. (2014). Un Québec vieillissant – Une ville de Montréal vieillissante. Défis contemporains pour une pratique policière. Dans Coté, M., & Dupont, B. (Ed.). Lecture de l’environnement du service de police de la ville de Montréal. Montréal. Ville de Montréal. pp. 115-125.
Themes: Chapters of a book or of a collective work and written productions
Themes: Chapters of a book or of a collective work and written productions