Trainings - In Hand – pratical guide

The Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults offers several activities of knowledge transfer such as awareness, prevention, detection and intervention in the context of mistreatment of older adults. This knowledge comes from the results of our research. Our knowledge transfer activities may be in the form of presentations of variable duration (20 minutes to 1h30, usually including a question and answer period) depending on your needs.They may also take the form of workshops (a half-day or a full day depending on the workshop and your needs). Presentations are intended to inform and share our knowledge with various audiences, while the workshops go further and allow participants to take ownership of the concepts so that they are better able to apply their new knowledge to their reality.

See the list of our research projects (in progress, in knowledge transfer or completed) under the “Activities” tab , as well as the list of our workshops below in order to better target the type of activities of knowledge transfer you need. For more information, please feel free to contact Roxane Leboeuf, the Chair’s coordinator, by e-mail or by phone at 819-780-2220, extension 45621.