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Interdisciplinary and/or Sectoral Practices in Countering Mistreatment


Marie Beaulieu, Ph. D., University of Sherbrooke

Nicolas Berg, Respect Seniors (President)

Dominique Langhendries, Respect Seniors (Director)




Roxane Leboeuf, Chair’s Coordinator and Research agent


Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC), $497 812


2016 – 2017


Project leader


The mistreatment of older adults is a complex issue which, in many cases, requires the involvement of several professionals and organizations with diverse expertise. They are called upon to join forces in order to offer the most effective intervention based on the reality and needs of the mistreated older adult. This collaborative work can be carried out within a single organization with professionals from various disciplines (interdisciplinary) or between different organizations or sectors (intersectional). Each of these practices has its strengths and challenges. While in Québec, intersectoral practices in countering the mistreatment of older adults growing, in Belgium, and particularly within the Respect Seniors organization, the emphasis is rather on interdisciplinary practices. Sharing their experiences in cross-sectoral or interdisciplinary practice will allow the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults and Respect Seniors to enrich their respective practices.


To share experiences of intersectoral practices to counter the mistreatment of older adults between Respect Seniors and the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults in order to have a mutual influence on their similar and different modes of operation.


Objective of the Chair

To inform Respect Seniors and Wallonia about two cross-sectoral practice guides to counter the mistreatment of older adults which were developed by the Chair, namely a guide exposing a teamwork between a police officer and practitioner from the public or non-profit health and social services network from Québec (Bridging project practice guide) and a second introducing a police practice model in which police officers work with various partners (IPRAS project practice guide).

To inform Respect Seniors about various cross-sectoral practices specific to Québec, such as the Tables de Concertation (Coordinating Committee), and to support them in developing partnerships with various other Belgian contributors actors, such as the Fédération Internationale des Associations de Personnes Âgées (FIAPA) (International Federation of Associations of the Elderly).

Objective of Respect Seniors

To inform the Chair of the internal interdisciplinary practices of Respect Seniors (joint efforts by a psychologist and social worker).

To inform the Chair of the intersectoral practices (with external partners) of Respect Seniors.


As this project was based on exchange rather than a research project, there is no official methodology applied in the strict sense of the term. However, to achieve the objectives, exchanges of documents and exchanges, debates and discussions were valued, including participation in intersectoral meetings in Québec and Wallonia.


Summer 2016

  • To begin the exchange after receiving confirmation of project financing, the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults IPRAS and Bridging Practice Guides and to the colleagues of Respect Seniors.

Fall 2016

  • At the end of November 2016, the Respect Seniors came to Québec to accomplish the objective of their mission. As part of this work week, Respect Seniors colleagues did the following:
  • Participated and gave a presentation at a cross-sectoral conference to fight against mistreatment in Lanaudière (approximately one hundred partners from public, private, community, police, etc.),
  • Met with officers from the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM, Montréal Police Department),
  • Participated in a meeting of members of the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults,
  • Participated in an intersectoral meeting of an advisory committee in relation to an action-research project on the fight against mistreatment and intimidation (approximately fifteen partners from diverse backgrounds),
  • Participated in the structure of Vigilance aînés (Vigilance Seniors) of the SPVM (Seven partners, including representatives of the Québec Government),
  • Participated in the meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults.

Spring, 2017

  • At the end of May, 2017, the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults went to Belgium to accomplish their mission. During this working week, the members of the Chair accomplished the following:
  • Participated in interviews with media,
  • Met police officers from three police areas (two in Wallonia and one in Brussels North),
  • Participated in the first Coordinating Committee meeting (nearly 60 partners) organised by Respect Seniors,
  • Gave the opening conference on the theme of intimidation at the Coordinating Committee meeting,
  • Participated in the meeting with the representative of FIAPA,
  • Initiated the effort to make short videos with Respect Seniors in which they will explain their interdisciplinary practices. These videos will be distributed to social work students at the Université de Sherbrooke (University of Sherbrooke) in Québec (Bachelor of Masters levels).


Beaulieu, M. & Leboeuf, R. (1 juin 2017). Contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées : l’engagement de la police dans les actions collaboratives au Québec. Bruxelles-Nord (Belgique).

Beaulieu, M. & Leboeuf, R. (31 mai 2017). Conjuguer la lutte contre l’intimidation à la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées : quelques jalons pour une approche intersectorielle sous la forme d’une table de concertation. Table intersectorielle organisée par Respect Seniors. Namur (Belgique).

Beaulieu, M. & Leboeuf, R. (30 mai 2017). Contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées : L’engagement de la police dans les actions collaboratives au Québec. Brabant-Wallon et Hainault (Belgique).

Langhendries, D. & Berg, N. (24 novembre  2016). Présentation de Respect Seniors. Rencontre des partenaires de la lutte contre la maltraitance dans la région de Lanaudière. Saint-Liguori, Québec (Canada).

