Study project – Marie Crevier
Master’s degree in Social Work (2009), University of Sherbrooke.
Bachelor’s degree in Social Work (2005), University of Sherbrooke.
Ph.D. in Gerontology (2010 to present), University of Sherbrooke.
Volunteers involved in countering mistreatment: a study on the practice of care.
2017: Scholarship from the Fondation Force of the University of Sherbrooke – $1,500
2016: Doctoral scholarship Partenariat participation sociale des aînés : des savoirs à l’action (Free translation: The partnership on the social participation of older adults : From knowledge to action) – $700
2016: Scholarship for promoting the works of the FLSH – $750
2016: Scholarship from the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults – $2,500
- 2015: Doctoral scholarship Partenariat Participation sociale des aînés : Des savoirs à l’action(Free translation: The partnership on the social participation of older adults : From knowledge to action) – $3,750
2015: Scholarship from the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults – $1,500
2015 : Scholarship from the Association québécoise des étudiants avec des incapacités au postsecondaire – $750
- 2011: J-A Bombardier Doctoral Scholarship (CRSH-C) – $105, 000, equivalent to $35, 000 per year for three years
- 2010: The Interdisciplinary Research Center on Family Violence and Violence against Women (CRI-VIFF) – $5,000
- 2010: Doctoral award Interdisciplinary research training on health and aging- $5,000
- 2010: Institutional scholarship from the University of Sherbrooke paired with the Research Centre on Aging – $8,000
Scholarships for the dissemination of research findings
2017: Scholarship from the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults for support and knowledge transfer – $500
Began her doctoral thesis in 2010.
Aging is often associated with the concept of vulnerability. However, this concept is often criticized because it only focuses on the individual representation of aging. The concept of vulnerability is particularly strong, or even ever-present, in the texts addressing the mistreatment of older adults. Indeed, the concept of vulnerability is intimately linked to violence and mistreatment, since it generally implies the potentiality of injury (Georgen and Beaulieu, 2013). Moreover, Georgen and Beaulieu (2013) denounce the inherent danger of sticking to a definition of vulnerability uniquely linked to the individual, as a victim, within practices and social policies countering mistreatment of older adults. The authors therefore insist on the importance of going beyond the individualizing vision of vulnerable older adults in a situation of mistreatment and of taking into account intrinsic and extrinsic factors (Georgen and Beaulieu, 2013; Fulmer et al, 2005).
From the care perspective, which advocates the interdependence of human lives, the authors invalidate this individualizing construction which arises from a postmodern vision, where social policies are based on the autonomy of persons, rationality, and independence (Sherwood-Johnson, 2013; White and Tronto, 2014). With regard specifically to the care theory when applied to the study of mistreatment of older adults, the authors put forward universal practices that take into account the fact that any older adult has the potential to be vulnerable (Sherwood-Johnson, 2014; White and Tronto, 2014). To our knowledge, no empirical study has been carried out on care practices regarding mistreatment of older adults.
The practice of care has a moral and practical dimension (Tronto, 2009; Sevenhuijsen, 1998). As a moral provision, it requires various forms of attention from each person that respond to various forms of vulnerability, which can be experienced by everyone. This perspective does not focus on dependency and vulnerability, but rather on the interdependence of individuals and the reciprocity between them. According to Tronto (2009), the practice of care must be regarded as a moral and political ideal so that individuals can fulfill themselves in a just, democratic and pluralistic society. For Paperman (2010), care is best described, not as a theory, but as an activity; it is an action and a task, as well as an attitude and an attention to detail that is seldom noticed, present, but rather is invisible because of their proximity.
More specifically, according to Chanial (2010), the activity of care is a giving activity with a specific notion of temporality; care is a donation of time, which is in line with volunteering. People who generally get involved in volunteering would therefore be part of “care allowing the consolidation of activities related to the concern for others and putting the vulnerability aspect at the centre of social relations” (Free translation of Brugère, 2011, p. 319). In fact, volunteering, as an unpaid activity and freely chosen (Gagnon et al., 2013), demonstrates moral purposes which are associated with care, such as caring for others, supporting social integration and supporting volunteers to reach self-realization. So through volunteering, “it is not only individuals who help each other, but the community that takes responsibility for each individual who is part of it” (Free translation of Sévigny & Castonguay, 2013, p. 63).
The particular context of volunteering in countering mistreatment of older adults appears to be particularly conducive to the study of care. This is often carried out by and for older adults (Beaulieu, D’Amours and Crevier, 2013). Retirees who are committed to volunteering are doing it because they feel concerned about the vulnerability of older adults in situations of mistreatment. Thus, the practice of care by volunteers contributes to the creation of a social fabric and encourages solidarity, as demonstrated by certain authors interested in volunteer action within the context of countering mistreatment of older adults (Anetzberger, 2000; Halphen, Varas, & Sadowsky, 2009; Wolf & Pillemer, 1994). We therefore argue that this type of volunteering, even if it remains a practice that is freely performed, still relies on a moral responsibility and a certain logic of obligation.
This thesis aims to understand how the practices of volunteers engaged in countering mistreatment of older adults adhere to the care perspective.
The specific objectives are:
- Document the practice of volunteers within Québec organizations dedicated to countering mistreatment of older adults;
- Identify the meaning of the experience of the moral commitment (Tronto 2009) of volunteers dedicated to countering mistreatment of older adults;
- Understand, from the narrative of volunteers, how the practice of volunteers engaged in countering mistreatment of older adults falls within the perspective of care;
- Identify how organizations dedicated to countering mistreatment of older adults recognize their volunteers.
In order to meet the aim and the specific research objectives, the thesis is part of an exploratory and descriptive study (Deslauriers and Kérésit,1997; van der Maren, 2004). The data collection favors different sources: internal documents from organizations and volunteering programs to counter mistreatment of older adults, volunteer testimonials of the practice of care as well as semi-structured interviews. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with two types of practitioners: the older adult volunteers and the coordinators of the programs or organizations. The information will be the subject of a content analysis (Paillé and Mucheilli, 2009).
Marie completed her doctoral courses in the summer of 2014 and passed her comprehensive exam. Data collection is now completed and the analysis is ongoing.
Crevier, M., Beaulieu, M. & Couturier, Y. (10 février 2016). Le care des bénévoles engagés dans la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. Des aînés soucieux de leurs pairs. 5e Colloque international du Réiactis. Lausanne, Suisse.
Crevier, M., Beaulieu, M., Couturier, Y., & Le Borgne-Uguen, F. (24 octobre 2015). Les bénévoles engagés dans la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. Une pratique de care à reconnaître. 44e Réunion scientifique et éducative annuelle de l’Association canadienne de gérontologie. « Des possibilités à la pratique en gérontologie : façonner un avenir pour tous ». Calgary (Canada).
Crevier, M., Beaulieu, M. & Couturier, Y. Le Borgne-Uguen (28 mars 2014). Les bénévoles engagés dans la lutte contre la maltraitance : Une étude des pratiques du care. Journée de la recherche, Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement, Sherbrooke.
Crevier, M., Beaulieu, M. & Couturier, Y. (20 avril 2012). Vulnérabilité ou processus de vulnérabilisation des personnes aînées en situation de maltraitance ? La contribution du genre dans la problématisation de cette question à partir d’une recension systématique des écrits. Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la violence faite aux femmes et la violence familiale, 5ième colloque étudiant, Montréal, Québec.
Crevier, M. & Beaulieu, M. (30 mai 2011). Maltraitance des femmes aînées: Étude de la vulnérabilité et analyse différenciée selon le genre. Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la violence faite aux femmes, 2ième colloque international sur la violence faite aux femmes, Montréal, Québec.
Crevier, M. & Beaulieu, M. (3 décembre 2010). Maltraitance des personnes aînées : étude de la vulnérabilité et analyse différenciée selon le genre. Réunion scientifique et éducative annuelle, Association canadienne de gérontologie, Montréal, Québec
Crevier, M. & Beaulieu, M. (10 juin 2010). Maltraitance des femmes aînées, vulnérabilité et analyse différenciée selon le genre. Colloque étudiant du Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la violence familiale et la violence faite aux femmes. Université Laval, Québec, Québec.
Refereed papers:
Crevier, M., Beaulieu, M. & Couturier, M. (2016). La pratique du care des aînés bénévoles engagés dans la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les aînés : Des aînés soucieux de leurs pairs. Vie et vieillissement, 13(3), 31-38.
Beaulieu, M. & Crevier, M. (2013). Quand l’âgisme mène à considérer toutes les personnes aînées comme étant vulnérables et sujettes à la maltraitance. Vie et vieillissement, 11(1), 5-11.
Beaulieu, M., D’Amours, M., Crevier, M., Sévigny, A., Fortier, J., Carbonneau, H., Éthier, S. & Couturier, Y. (2013). Les aînés engagés dans la lutte contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées au Québec.Vie et vieillissement, 10(4), 54-56.
Beaulieu, M. & Crevier, M. (2010). Contrer la maltraitance et promouvoir la bientraitance des personnes aînées. Regard analytique sur les politiques publiques au Québec. Gérontologie et Société, 133. 69-87.
Book chapters :
Beaulieu, M., Spahic-Blazevic, A. & Crevier, M. (2013) Un Québec vieillissant. Réflexions sur les défis anticipés et la réponse sociale à donner aux personnes aînées. Dans Conférence des juristes de l’état 2013. Montréal : Éditions Yvon Blais. 5- 25.
Reports produced for the government:
Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées (2016). Plan d’action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées 2017-2022. Mémoire déposé au gouvernement du Québec dans le cadre l’appel de mémoires en vue des travaux sur le développement du Plan d’action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées 2017-2022 le 26 mai 2016. 25 p.